How To Connect To Postgresql Databases From Python


PostgreSQL is a reliable, high-performance open-source object-relational database management system. It can hold databases as large as 32TB, with virtually unlimited rows.


Photo by Zoë Reeve on Unsplash

Psycopg2 - Python’s Vessel into Postgres

Psycopg is a robust Python adaptor for PostgreSQL. It enables you to create databases, run SQL queries, and accomplish pretty much every other task you’d wish to on postgres databases; from within Python programs.

Psycopg “…was designed for heavily multi-threaded applications that create and destroy lots of cursors and make a large number of concurrent INSERTs or UPDATEs.1 This is good news for any who have concerns about scalability.

Example use-cases:

  • Flask or django apps & websites using Postgres databases to persist user data.
  • Automated analysis & report-generating programs written in Python, sourcing data from and saving it to Postgres databases.

TIP: If you’d like to perform Object–relational mapping, check out SQLAlchemy.


You can install a pre-compiled binary version with:

pip install psycopg2-binary

The following are necessary when installing the source distribution:

  • A C compiler
  • Python header files (python-dev or python3-dev)
  • libpq header files
  • The pg_config program

In general, if you already have Postgres and Python installed, then

sudo apt-get install python3-dev libpq-dev  
pip install psycopg2

should do the trick. If this fails, please refer to the installation page.

Basic Usage

Connecting to database “my_db”, on a locally running postgres server, as the user “my_username”:

from getpass import getpass

import psycopg2

# Establish a connection to the database
conn = psycopg2.connect(
    password=getpass(prompt="User password: "),
cursor = conn.cursor()

    CREATE TABLE clients (
        id              serial PRIMARY KEY,
        name            text NOT NULL,
        email           text NOT NULL,
        total_purchases money NOT NULL,
        date            timestamp NOT NULL
    "INSERT INTO clients VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
    ("1234", "ACME Corp.", "", 10000, "01-01-2020")

# Persist changes

# Terminate the connection to the database

Next Steps

Please consider visiting Basic module usage to learn more on:

  • Passing parameters to SQL queries
  • Adapting Python values to SQL types
  • Accessing PostgreSQL large objects
  • Server side cursors
  • Thread and process safety
  • Transaction control.
  1. The Psycopg Team (2021). “Psycopg 2.9.2 documentation”